With a pedigree that includes owner/LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault and France’s only Louis Vuitton and Chanel ski boutiques, Cheval Blanc has quickly become the end-all snow destination for oligarchs, billionaires and luxury snobs. Attached to the main hotel dining room, Le White Bar is contained under a pitched wood ceiling trimmed in natural stone, glass and marble. A long drinking bar is attended by seasoned bartenders that could just as well be pouring in Paris or Milan, from a top shelf of champagnes that include vintage selection of Dom, Cristal and Bollinger. Like an Armani Casa showroom, furnishings are simple and unfussy with suede fabrics and natural wood grains striding shag rugs and wide-plank timber floors. Narrow windows overlook the resort property and surrounding mountainside with its downhill run of skiers and snowboards desperately hoping to get a seat in the town’s glitziest bar. The crowd can vary from formal to gaudy with old school French dames preening over singles glasses of Moet opposite fur-trimmed oil tsars uncorking yet another bottle of 5000-Euro Cristal to a giggly posse of platinum blond 20-somethings.
The apres-ski scene peaks around 2pm as skiers take an early break from the mountain. Things simmer to a stop by 6pm and then reignite with an after-dinner lounge scene around 8pm.
Last Word
Glitterati whisper that it's the chicest ski hotel on earth. Le White Bar is its be-seen lounge and après-ski bar located at the Cheval Blanc Hotel owned by LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault.